Our Statement on Inclusivity

These are extraordinary times. The foundations of our democracy are under attack by an authoritarian movement that wants to eliminate people’s basic human rights.

We will not allow anyone to question or deny people's humanity. Trans rights are human rights. Immigrant rights are human rights. Compromising on either gives the fascist movement exactly what they want.

We are Americans, we are LGBTQIA+, we are people with disabilities, we are people of color, and we want to hear the voices of even more people from these and other communities. We are not going anywhere, and we will not leave anyone behind.

We are stronger together.

To win our fight for justice and equal opportunity, we have to build a big tent - and at times, this might mean cooperating with some who would not normally be our allies.

That doesn’t mean we compromise our values.

We welcome speakers and partnerships who share our opposition to the tyrannical, anti-American actions of the Trump administration – even when we disagree with them on other very important issues. Because, when we welcome public officials to our platform to tell their constituents how they are fighting fascism, we the people get to hold them accountable.